Are you ready for a terrific afternoon out at Tatton Park’s Viking Sunday, featuring all the excitement and drama of the Viking era, vividly brought to life?
Head for Tatton Park on Sunday 11 August, to see a fast and furious display of the battles which raged rampant in those far-off lawless times. Viking Sunday looks set to be a blast!
The Vikings of Middle England are known for their gripping portrayals, which combine authenticity with hilarious humour. To suit a family audience we have asked them to tone down the “pillage and plunder” side of things… But can you trust the word of a Viking…?
After all, the very meaning of their name is “sea-robber” or “pirate”.
Even if battleground antics aren’t really your thing, there’ll still be plenty to interest you on this great afternoon out.
For history buffs, Tatton Park’s impressive and ancient Old Hall will be open to view – a great opportunity to study its fascinating interior, much of it dating back as far as the 15th century.
Interactive activities all afternoon will include learning about domestic life of the times, including everyday trades and skills. Make your own coins, try your hand at calligraphy, try on armour, and for a small extra fee, test your skills at archery. Be enthralled by gripping storytelling, and chat to the re-enactors who’ll be happy to tell you about the detailed planning which creates each battle scene.
Viking Sunday begins at 12 noon. Last admission is at 4pm, and the event closes at 5pm. Adult entry £7, Child £5, Family £19.
Find all the details at tattonpark.org.uk/events
The website also has details of a Viking workshop for 7-11 year olds on Thursday 8 August. Meet the Vikings takes an in-depth look at the era, and will be fun as well as entertaining and educational.
A £7 Vehicle Park Entry charge applies to visitors who arrive by car, minibus or motorbike. Walkers, cyclists and booked coaches enter the parkland for free.