At this time of year, we tend to take steps to make our homes a little tidier and Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service (MFRS) is urging people to take this opportunity to say goodbye to the clutter and make sure your family knows what to do in the event of a fire.
Every second counts when escaping a fire and the most important thing you can do to keep you and your family safe is to have working smoke alarms. You should have AT LEAST ONE working smoke alarm on each level of your home. Consider installing additional alarms in rooms with electrical devices or sleeping areas. Remember to keep internal doors closed during the night as they help reduce how quickly fire and smoke spreads around the house.
If you don’t have working smoke alarms, give us a call on 0800 731 5958. Smoke alarms are fitted free of charge for those over 65 or meeting certain criteria.
But remember, smoke alarms might give you the warning you need to get out of the home safely, but blocked exits and locked doors can add crucial seconds to your escape time.
Mark Thomas, Group Manager at MFRS, said: “Every second counts when escaping a fire. Having working smoke alarms and knowing the escape plan in an emergency could make all the difference.
“If you have dependents or someone less able to care for, it could take more time to get out, stay out and call 999. Make sure you’re always prepared, your exits are clear and everyone knows what to do if the worst should happen.”
Follow these top tips to keep you and your family safe: