I-Safeguard Forum

i-Safeguard Forum by Victvs

The i-Safeguard forum is a place for parents, professionals and anyone else with an interest in safeguarding to come together to share ideas, explore best practice and connect with other like-minded individuals.
Safeguarding is quite a formal term but it is simply about keeping people safe.
Safe from: Domestic violence, bullying, drugs, exploitation, gangs, mental health issues… Anything that might affect that person from developing and living a normal, healthy, happy life.
i-Safeguard is a free-to-use forum and anyone is welcome to join and to post new topics, create new groups and start a new group forum. So, why not connect with other parents and find out what they do to keep their children safe.
To access the i-Safeguard forum, please visit: www.isafeguard.victvs.co.uk