Winter Sport Focus: Rugby

Many believe that rugby is just scrums, rucks and heavy-handed contact – a sport which parents may be reluctant for their young children to partake in. But, until the age of around 9, rugby is usually non-contact and the sport played is referred to as ‘tag-rugby.’

Rugby may not be the sport at the top of every child’s must-do list of activities, but it’s a great sport for all children to get involved in. There are many classes across the area such as ‘Rugby Tots’ where children can learn to play the game from as little as 2 years old.

Rugby is quite a unique sport and is amazing for development in many aspects. It helps to build a healthy body and mind. Better concentration, discipline and tolerance are all aspects of the game – it is a co-operative sport that places heavy emphasis on team-building and team-cooperation.

Rugby is a game built upon essential rules and regulations that need to be adhered to and teaches participants the value of teamwork, boundaries and various responsibilities. Different patterns of play need to be recognised when playing rugby and it is essential that these tactics are built upon and developed by participants.

Rugby has the power to help young people develop the capability of analysing simple problems and also dealing with more complex challenges – an exceptional eye for opportunity is a common characteristic of rugby players!